““And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.’ So God granted him what he requested.” ”
A Trustee’s JOb Is Vital to the CHurch
As a trustee, you are responsible for the growth and development of the congregation. Did you know that according to recent Pew Study, approximately 247 million people in the US claim to be Christian? How many of that number go to church? That’s a different and more difficult number to uncover.
At best, the pollsters say 40% of all Americans, or about 98 million go to church. At worst, other studies suggest 20%, or less than 50 million, actually attend and many as few as 12 times a year. However, when we analyze the attendance number, we know that, of those who do attend church, far fewer actually tithe any money.
Do you know the average income for your members?
As the illustration on the left shows, over one-third of the members of many religious groups are blessed to be in $100,000.00+ per year income homes. Have you recently checked on the financial health and wealth of your church community? Do you know how to compel your members to think about tithing beyond the weekly routine by creating a legacy tithe that would support the church for generations to come? Our workshops will help you uncover the tools and resources needed to help you support both your members and your church.
Do you know the average age of your membership?
If we know that, on average, over 1/3 of our church members may have the ability to create a legacy tithe then we also know that time is of the essence. Many religious groups have congregations where the median age of the members is well over 50 years old. This is why it is important that you coach your significant givers on the opportunities to "Tithe from Heaven".
When was the last time you checked the pulse of your congregation?
We now know that the average age of many major U.S. religious group members nears that of retirement. We also know that a majority of these groups share a common thread: at least 1/3 of their congregations have six-figure income households.
These two facts tell us that it is time to talk to our congregations about "Tithing from Heaven". As a church leader, you want to reach your members while they are in the midst of retirement and estate planning. We can help you do that. And for members who already have their affairs in order, the process to become a legacy giver is easier that they could imagine.
Don't Worry!
We are here to support you with the tools and resources necessary to have poignant conversations with your membership. We offer workshops for both Church Leaders and Church Members.