
The idea of Tithing From Heaven was conceived by a 20+ year financial services expert and coach, Aaron Smith of A.W. Smith Financial Group.  Through Aaron’s service in his church, he believed there was work to be done to help secure a lasting financial legacy for seniors and the longevity of their churches.

Over the years, Aaron witnessed many churches and their leaders face financial challenges as their senior membership declined due to death, illness or relocation.  As that significant demographic declined, conversely, the revenue from tithes also declines.

Based on his experience through similar case studies, Aaron researched and developed an educational system that has helped his senior clients carry forward their assets and protect the church that has been a part of their life for so long.  

Aaron was able to identify assets with his senior clients such as IRAs, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, real estate, etc. that could potentially be named to their church as beneficiary.  They never knew this was an option. 

Churches rely heavily on seniors tithing. Therefore it’s important to prepare for the long term issues of the losing these members and their contribution. Through Tithing from Heaven, Aaron wants to continue the tithes that senior members were contributing on a daily, weekly, and annual basis— even after they have gone to heaven. Senior church members can literally tithe from heaven.

Our Mission

As a primary function of Tithing from Heaven, we want introduce church members to the option to leave a percentage of their assets to their church.  Simultaneously, we want to educate the pastors and leaders that these assets can be properly managed in a trust fund. As a fundamental concept of tithing from heaven, we will help provide an effective, stable, continuous, and reliable income stream for churches. This will help cover the cost associated with:

  •  Transportation

  • Staff salary

  • Pastor benefits

Our goal is to educate church members continuously on opportunities to build assets and how to leave a portion to their churches. In turn, this will create a lasting financial legacy for senior members who one day have the privilege of “Tithing from Heaven".