How Do Christians Tithe?

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Where does your church receive its offerings? If your church is anything like the national statistics above, you are receiving offerings by either card/electronic, cash, check, or other means.  However, it is unlikely that any of theses ways will allow contributors to give on an ongoing platform.

Churches need to be fire-proof. The availability of church members doesn’t have to effect the financing of the church’s mission.

There are a few occurrences that could significantly impact the tithing habits of church membership. Unfortunately, these events could negatively impact the overall funding of the church’s services and fulfillment of its mission. These events include but aren’t limited to:

  • Age and/or attrition through death

  • Moving or relocation

  • Accidental death

Church leaders, are you ready to educate your members on the advantages of "Tithing from Heaven"? Church members, are you ready to create a lasting legacy?