Leadership Workshops

Our Leadership Workshops consist of fact-based interactions between the audience and our advisors in order to discover: 

  • How many people, within a period of time, have passed away in the congregation

  • How many needed assistance from the church either to assist with a family member’s burial expenses or repast cost

  • Then later, may have approached church to help financially with living expenses

After this discovery session we will come up with a tailor made-plan to help your church thrive.

Why your church needs Tithing from Heaven

Let's review a recent Case Study from our practice:

We experienced a widow calling our office after her husband died due because of an unconventional an untimely request. Her husband was a strong tither and giver in the church. Essentially, the church immediately felt the financial loss while his wife was dealing with the emotional loss.  The church was attempting to have her become financially responsible for his monthly tithes.  Even more shocking, she wasn’t even a member of the church. He was such a strong tither that not receiving his funds put a heavy burden on the church financially. We can all agree that their methods were not well thought out, however, had advanced planning been executed by all parties, this unfortunate situation could have been avoided.   

Our Workshops are designed to mitigate the fallout from painful losses.

  • Workshops would emphasize the necessity of financial planning to the congregation.

  • Workshops will be centered around legacy and taking care of one’s affairs.

  • We will pair our financial expertise with your church leader’s familiar virtue to help members feel secure in starting the Tithing From Heaven process.

  • Workshops are designed to balance education and understanding to create a trustworthy financial plan for all parties. 

Let's review a recent Case Study where a client didn't have a beneficiary:

Recently we had a prospect call to office stating she had no beneficiary listed on her paperwork, neither was she close to anyone in her family.  I suggested a church, charity or non-profit organization to be the benefactor. She liked that idea.

Tithing From Heaven workshops can help sole individuals with no family to designate their churches as a beneficiary. This will bring a sense of peace to everyone involved.